Title:Posits as an alternative to floats for weather and climate models
**作者**:Milan Klöwern**1**, Tongtiegang Zhao** 2**, Peter D. Düben**2**, and Tim N. Palmer**3**
**1** Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK2European Centre for Medium-Range, Weather Forecasts, Reading, UK
3Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
**会议**:Proceedings of the Conference for Next Generation Arithmetic 2019. ACM, 2019: 2
**DOI**: [**https://doi.org/10.1145/3316279.3316281**](https://doi.org/10.1145/3316279.3316281)
Posit numbers, a recently proposed alternative to floating-point numbers, claim to have smaller arithmetic rounding errors in many applications. By studying weather and climate models of low and medium complexity (the Lorenz system and a shallow water model) we present benefits of posits compared to floats at 16 bit. As a standardised posit processor does not exist yet, we emulate posit arithmetic on a conventional CPU. Using a shallow water model, forecasts based on 16-bit posits with 1 or 2 exponent bits are clearly more accurate than half precision floats. We therefore propose 16 bit with 2 exponent bits as a standard posit format, as its wide dynamic range of 32 orders of magnitude provides a great potential for many weather and climate models. Although the focus is on geophysical fluid simulations, the results are also meaningful and promising for reduced precision posit arithmetic in the wider field of computational fluid dynamics.
在2018年8月8日,MIT正式发布编程语言Julia 1.0,号称:Python、R、C++三合一。据 Julia Computing 的宣传,在七项基础算法的测试中,Julia 比 Python 快 20 倍,比 R 快 100 倍,比 Matlab 快 93 倍。
- Julia 语言的官网:https://julialang.org/
- Julia中文社区:https://cn.julialang.org/
- Julia 语言项目地址:https://github.com/JuliaLang
MIT 开发的 Julia 语言是全球热度上升最快的编程语言之一,下载量超过 200 万次,下载者包括谷歌、Facebook、FAA 和美国能源部等各个部门的开发者。近日,MIT CSAIL 实验室正式发布了 Julia 1.0,该语言期望结合 C 的速度、Matlab 的数学表征、Python 的通用编程与 Shell 的胶水命令行,并构建开源、自由与便捷的编程语言。具有以下特点:
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[链接.2](Klöwer M, Düben P D, Palmer T N. Posits as an alternative to floats for weather and climate models[C]//Proceedings of the Conference for Next Generation Arithmetic 2019. ACM, 2019: 2.)